Safe, private and professional transport

We organise your trips throughout Belgium and neighbouring countries. You can count on our team’s professional attitude, taking you safely to your destination.

What drives us: your satisfaction at all times

Mindful of our clients’ well-being and comfort, we hire out upmarket vehicles, each with a private driver for our private and corporate clients.

  •  24/7 service;
  • Unique, comfortable vehicles;
  • You can hire vehicles for a few hours or a few days;
  • We make our professional network available to you.

Serious drivers for you

Our team of seasoned drivers love their job and exercise the greatest discretion.

We can handle small groups – up to 7 persons – and larger ones – up to 45 passengers – for all your events: team building sessions, weddings, anniversaries, cocktail parties etc. We tailor our price to your budget and the type of vehicle you book.

Feel free to view our vehicle photo gallery .

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