All types of vehicle available to you

With a fleet of 9 trucks and 10 vans, we propose and implement the right vehicles for your deliveries. Each vehicle is perfectly equipped to guarantee the adequate transport of your goods, while having the optimal performance to achieve this. Punctual and professional, we deliver the goods at the agreed times.

The right vehicles for your products

Our vehicles have different storage capacities, allowing us to offer the best to serve you. Ranging from 2 to 22 Euro-pallets (EPAL), our vehicles are at your disposal to offer you the best quality of transport. Hygiene and safety standards being very important, our vehicles are constantly cleaned and maintained.

Getting the job done for you

You can count on our professionalism to ship all pharmaceuticals and food. Based in Jette (Brussels), we can deliver anywhere in Belgium, France, the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and the UK.

Please call or via fill in the form for your free estimate.

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